Thursday, January 17, 2008

Play Your Cards

I believe that what I do and how I live has a huge impact on those around me. I guess I have been thinking about this idea as maybe blowing myself up to possibly something bigger than I am, and if so, let it be. Because I hope to seek to live onto God firstly, not myself. So, in the end, it's not what it's about.

But, moreover, I guess what I'm really trying to say is that: I want to be a person of influence-- in word and deed.

"Play the cards you've been handed."

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Long School Day

I feel like today is one of the longest days in a long time.
We have Winter Intensive right now at school, so I'm here from 9am-8pm.

Kids are so funny.

The second and third graders are so fun and great to teach.
Because they listen and engage, not so much in the rebellious stage-- well, some of them. They like to hide in my classroom in different places trying to scare me when I can see their bright green jacket from afar. Or them chasing after me, and them having to practically jog because my steps are bigger than theirs. Also, so easy to please at times, I gave them Halloween pictures to color today (because that's all I had in my file), and they loved it.

I guess it makes it even more endearing because they are speaking this second language. In my First Grade Class, we had multiple new students this week, but in particular one boy who is about a head taller than anyone else in my class. He comes in and one of my student's, who calls himself "Mr. John Lee"* during introductions, has a shocked expression on his face gasping, "Wow. He's very long.."
I almost burst in laughter. Ah, maybe I am the one easily amused. =)

But there is something so wonderful about children-- something I really love. Their wittiness and innocence, and some of them are so impressionable. Sometimes I look at them and wonder who they will become. I already think I'm going to miss them.