Thursday, March 5, 2009

I watched Joy Luck Club tonight. The last time I saw it was a long, long time ago. haha. But it made me think about the different bi-cultural dynamics, a lot of which I am experiencing now.

I do not know how my parents put up with me sometimes, particularly my mom. Especially coming back from Korea, and me kinda going bizerk at times with all the culture shock. Except a mother's love for her children, which is why she can see past all my junk and sin, or rather love me in it all.

It's pretty amazing.

I have a thought about taking in knowledge. It seems like if it is not processed and taken in and transformed into some type of deeper understand or action, it seems null. Going to a different country, seeing all the people there but yet being ignorant to who they are and a different perspective on the world. It just seems... to not amount to much.

Knowledge must translate to some type of understanding, or it just seems like empty words to me. But with the plethora of knowledge in the world-- it seems too much too at times, and understanding sometimes seems to come years later and in bits.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


They are important to me. When I feel like I have not started well, it affects the rest of my journey. It makes it harder for me.
But thinking about the beginning of creation, God said that it was good. And man, very good. Then sin comes and breaks that relationship between man and God. But the story doesn’t end there. God’s plan for a redeemer, a savior, Jesus, radically changes the story. But maybe not so radically, since it was God’s intention all along, and God continues to show His compassion and mercy until that point. Yet, He is not unwilling to show His discipline either. But there is one thing that strikes me, He doesn’t abandon His people.

Even though I feel like it’s been rough at times, hard when God disciplines and refines and rebukes. He doesn’t leave me, even in the moments when I feel like I cannot hear His voice.
Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. Since He has done that for me, I feel like I can do the same for God. Is that a selfishly human love? But in some since, I know Love since He first Loved me, loves me, and I am coming to know more of what that means.

Thank you for Your grace. And since all things begin in You, it is good. You are good.