Monday, December 15, 2008

It's always easy to ride off people in a stereotype.
It's already predetermined and packaged, ready to use.

But to look at people as people, like a friend.
To look deeper than the surface and appearance.
When you get to know them, and their desires, and the deeper sides of them, their humor, the things they love and that they don't-- they become more real.
And you cannot ride them off.

For all the stereotypes I have and the way I have passed people off as one, I apologize.
Because when they become real, we can't do that anymore.
I think stereotypes are just an easy way out to deal with people sometimes.
They're just like "this" and I am not gonna deal with them.

But when it comes down to it, maybe they are not so different from us or our friends and families. Sure, they have their inconsistencies and flaws, but don't we all.

Well, I know I had that moment today, then only to look inside myself.

And what did I find? Someone not too different. And a reminder to look inside a person's heart-- the way that God does.

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